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Accounting for Capital Assets:
A Guide for State and Local Governments (second edition)

Description: Capital assets typically constitute the largest single item on a state or local government's statement of net position. Not only do capital assets need to be reported in the financial statements, but governments must track and maintain control over them. Accounting for Capital Assets offers clear and straight-forward guidance to public-sector accounting... Details

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Second Edition
The Government Finance Officers Association launched its most popular publications series 24 years ago when it issued An Elected Official's Guide to Government Finance. This second edition provides an overview of key financial management issues by topic, and includes references to new and updated GFOA policies and recommended practices. This book is divided into six general finance categories: Financial Policies,... Details
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Governmental Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting
2024 Edition

(1,084 pages; softbound)

GFOA has published Governmental Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting (GAAFR or "Blue Book") for the past 89 years with hundreds of thousands of copies sold.

    The GAAFR is designed to serve as:

    • A comprehensive introduction to public-sector accounting and auditing for experienced financial professionals new to... Details
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IT Budgeting and Decision Making: Maximizing Your Government's Technology Investments

You need to make sure the big bucks you're spending for IT are giving you the benefits you bargained for? including cost savings.

This book explains how the budget process can be combined with concepts of IT governance to allocate technology dollars to the most promising uses and to create the management systems needed to achieve every possible... Details

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Members: $40 / Nonmembers: $60


The State and Local Government Performance Management Sourcebook
Anne Spray Kinney and Michael Mucha, Editors

The GFOA's latest publication on performance management presents findings from over two years of research into identifying trends and leading practices among public sector practitioners across the United States and Canada. The book explains essential components of a... Details
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There is probably no single number in a typical state or local government’s financial statements that attracts more attention and discussion than fund balance. Recently, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board issued guidance that will fundamentally alter the classifications and terminology that governments use to present this uniquely important amount in their financial statements. This publication offers a practical way for anyone with an interest in state or... Details