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Budget Presentation Award Program Webinar Series

This series of six, free informational webinars will be presented monthly with each focusing on a different aspect of GFOA's Budget Presentation Award Program.
  • Overview of Application Process and Criteria - February 17, 2023
    GFOA's Distinguished Budget Presentation Award recognizes governments that create high quality budget documents that exhibit a strong policy document, financial plan, operation guide, and communication device.
    This training will provide an overview of the awards process and criteria. The main focus will be on summarizing each criteria, along with providing outstanding examples. The process portion will cover the application steps and a quick tour of GFOA's Budget Awards website.
  • Focus on Budget Overview Criterion - March 17, 2023
    This training will concentrate on the mandatory budget overview criterion. This criterion includes various options on how to present a budget overview through the use of text, graphs, bullet points/indentation, highlighting, social media, videos, budget in briefs, newsletters, pamphlets, dashboards, etc.
    Outstanding examples will be shown on how government satisfy this criterion, while applying GFOA's best practice on Making the Budget Document Easier to Understand.
  • Focus on Position Summary Criterion - April 21, 2023
    This training will concentrate on the mandatory position summary schedule criterion within the Budget Awards Program, and the related GFOA best practice Effective Budgeting of Salary and Wages.
    Outstanding examples will be shown on how government satisfy this criterion, along with practical implementation of how to apply GFOA's best practice on Effective Budgeting of Salary and Wages.
  • Tips for Addressing the Impact of Inflation on the Budget - May 5, 2023
    As inflation hits levels not seen in forty years, the impact on governmental budgets can be quite harmful. Inflation can affect all areas of the budget. In order to make proper decisions on how to deal with this impact, it is important to understand the different inflation indices, how they are measured, and which ones are the most relevant for your organization. GFOA’s best practice on Inflationary Indices in Budgeting provides a good overview of the different inflationary indices.
    We will have two guest speakers on how inflation has impacted their county and city's budget respectively, and the techniques that they use to identify and mitigate those challenges.
  • Focus on Departmental/Program Description Criterion - June 16, 2023
    This training will concentrate on the mandatory departmental/program description criterion within the Budget Awards Program, departmental/program goals, and the related GFOA best practice Department Presentation in the Operating Budget Document.
    Outstanding examples will be shown on how government satisfy this criterion, along with practical implementation of how to apply GFOA's best practice on Department Presentation in the Operating Budget Document.
  • Focus on Fund Balance Criterion - July 21, 2023
    This training will concentrate on the fund balance criterion within the Budget Awards Program. In addition, focus will be given on the latest update concerning GFOA's best practice on Determining the Appropriate Level of Unrestricted Fund Balance in the General Fund.
    Outstanding examples will be shown on how government satisfy this criterion, along with practical implementation of how to apply GFOA's best practice on Determining the Appropriate Level of Unrestricted Fund Balance in the General Fund.
    There is also discussion of what types of reserves are needed to provide financial stability for the short-term and what reserves may be needed in the future.
2/17/2023 - 7/21/2023
Interactive Internet training
Online registration not available.

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